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A chipmunk's diet however is not so different of that a squirrel as they mainly feed as well on nuts, grains, fruits and some small insects. They are often found living in small burrows in the ground. These burrows serve as their hibernation den as well as storage area for food in case winter comes. Normally, chipmunks would stay inside their burrows for a long time until the winter is over, feeding or often just hibernating. However, they do get out during warm days within the winter to forage. Mating routines for chipmunks would take place sometime around March. A female gestates tops of 31 days and after that gestation period would have a litter with as much as 3-5 offspring. The offspring maturity would come only after 1-2 months and by then they can now already breed with the other chipmunks. Usually, though the breeding for the next generation of chipmunks would take place only in the following spring. The scientific classification of a chipmunk is that they belong to the family Sciuridae.
Are chipmunks also found in human homes?
Actually, like squirrels - chipmunks could potential find their way inside human homes in their search for food. Like squirrels, chipmunks would also a human house as some sort of a funny looking tree (as animals would find it hard to distinguish the difference at all). However, they are rarely often found in human dwellings because chipmunks fear humans as much as they fear the creatures that are larger than them. More than half the time, chipmunks consider creatures larger than them as predators and they would do anything that they can to keep themselves away from their perceived danger. Chipmunks are more afraid than squirrels in terms of courage to forage in unchartered territories. They often seclude themselves in their burrows for the rest of the time until their stored food has run out. That's the only time then that they will go out to search for more food to store every time winter will come. However, there are certain times that a chipmunk is found wandering in human homes become domesticated. Since chipmunks are very docile mammals, they are easily befriended.
On Ground Squirrels
Ground squirrels are the common nomenclature for any burrowing, terrestrial rodents that are native in North America. They are easily recognized by their facial features which are often plump. A common misconception among ground squirrels is that they are commonly mislabelled as gophers. That notion is absolutely false as ground squirrels do not pester farms and plants as gophers do which destroy crops and grains in the farm. Gophers are actually considered pests while ground squirrels are not. However, there are certain situations when ground squirrels are also sparingly regarded as pests, especially when they are found invading human territories, particular dwellings. Ground squirrels actually have an alternate name, called "spermophile" the Greek word for "seed lover". This alternate name is basically derived from the common diets which are grains and nuts. Often their diet can be inclusive of small insects and crackers (like their much more considered as pests), that's why there are certain instances when ground squirrels are also found in human homes.
Like their chipmunks relative, the ground squirrels also belong to the family Sciuridae. That's why chipmunks can also be considered as squirrels. The major difference between the two is their outright physical appearances which can easily be distinguished just by referring to the specific descriptions of their appearances mentioned above.
Domesticating Chipmunks or Squirrels
Actually, if you wish to domesticate any of the creatures mentioned above, you may do so. Both chipmunks and squirrels are very docile creatures and they can easily be controlled apart from the fact that they are plush and conducive for tactile interactions. Most people find having these creatures as pets since they are highly controllable creatures. You can conveniently place them in cages and they wouldn't have to go littering all over the house. You need not to worry anymore of picking up critter wastes everywhere at all since you can confine them all in one place.
When you do domesticate of the creatures mentioned above you have to make sure you have gone through the necessary legal and clinical ramifications in acquiring the pet. There are certain caveats you may not be able to see right away. For example, there are legal provisions when acquiring specific species of squirrels or chipmunks especially if they are classified to be almost endangered. Clinical procedures are also important to make sure that you will not be domesticating a carrier of disease.